Click the Great Nonprofits logo to donate today! Your donations enable us to continue providing free programs and services. We provide resources for employment, utility assistance and counseling, a free after-school and summer program to youth ages 5-24, weekly emergency meal and diapers to individuals experiencing financial barriers or access to quality food and items for survival. CFYS hosts annual holiday outreach programs that serve over 1000 families/children. Donations will be designated for general operating support, youth development, community outreach, and emergency meal service. Also, take the time to rate us! Your rating will help secure as one of the great nonprofits!
Click the PayPal logo to donate today! Your donations enable us to continue providing free programs and services. We provide resources for employment, utility assistance and counseling, a free after-school and summer program to youth ages 5-24, weekly emergency meal and diapers to individuals experiencing financial barriers or access to quality food and items for survival. CFYS hosts annual holiday outreach programs that serve over 1000 families/children. Donations will be designated for general operating support, youth development, community outreach, and emergency meal service.
Click the Givebutter logo to donate today to our #CFYSISGR8T campaign! Help us reach our goal as we celebrate our 8th anniversary. Our goal this year is to purchase a passenger van to support our out of school time youth programs and find a permanent home to house all of our free programs and services. Please consider donating today no donation is too small. Help us continue making CFYS gr8t!